
David Harvey

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David Harvey and Neoliberalism



















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Why is David Harvey on the Neoliberalism and Education Wiki?


Harvey has contributed immensely to the critique of capitalism, most importantly in its current neoliberal form.  



Who is David Harvey?  


David Harvey is a distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York.  Known as a leading social theorist he has established himself as one of the most insightful and politically relevant left social scientists.  He is one of the worlds most cited academic geographer and among the top 20 most cited authors in the humanities (Gill, 2009).


His book, Social Justice and the City, published almost 40 years ago in 1973 is known as his seminal work.  Here he suggested geography could not remain objective when there was urban poverty and related social problems.  This reinforced Marxist theory by arguing that capitalism just takes over space to ensure its reproduction.  He wrote several more books including, Limits to Capital (1982), The Condition of Postmodernity (1989), Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference (1996), Spaces of Hope (2000), Paris, capital of Modernity (date),  and The New Imperialism (2003).  In 2005 he published, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (2005), in this book he provides an historical review of the theory and opposing practices of neo-liberalism since its beginning in 1970.  His latest book, The Enigmas of Capital (2010), takes a look at the current economic crisis.  Harvey explains how capitalism came to dominate the world and why it resulted in the current financial crisis.  He describes that at the core of capitalism is immoral behaviour and lawlessness.  He suggests that it is a fundamental error to talk about regulated, ethical capitalism. 


Watch the youtube clip to learn about what Harvey explains as the crisis of capitalism. 




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Harvey explains that for three centuries the capitalist system has shaped western society and conditioned the lives of its people.  Capitalism is cyclical and increasingly bankrupt.  Boom and bust is its model.  Harvey exposes the financial system and its inherent recklessness explaining why it is time to put a stop to unchecked excess.


Learn more about the cycle of capitalism and the boom bust model from Harvey’s latest book, Enigmas of Capital (2010) in the youtube clip:


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Bartolomé, L. I. (2008). Understanding policy for equity in teaching and learning: A critical-historical lens. Language Arts, 85(5), 376-381.


Castree, N. & Gregory, D. (2008). David Harvey: a critical reader. Progress in Human Geography 32(1), pp.147 -155.


Gintis, H. (1992). New economic rules of the game. Challenge, 35(5), 47-47.


Giroux, H. A. (2005). The terror of neoliberalism: Rethinking the significance of cultural politics. College Literature, 32(1), 1-E.


Hanson Thiem, C. (2009). Thinking through education: the geographies of contemporary education restructuring. Progress in Human Geography 33(2) pp. 154-173.


Kirylo, J. D. (2011). PAULO FREIRE IN THE 21st CENTURY: Education, dialogue, and transformation. Childhood Education, 87(5), 372-372.


Spring, J. (2008). Research on globalization and Education: Review of education research, 78 (2), 330-363.



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