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Competitive Individualism

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Saved by Thomas Ernst
on February 11, 2012 at 7:11:57 pm

The concept of competitive individualism is central within a neoliberal system.


Foucault’s governmentality



What individualism means and how it developed



Margaret Thatcher: Free Society Speech (1975)


Davies, B. and Bansel, P. (2007) Neoliberalism and education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 20(3), 247-259.


Dill, David D. (2003) Allowing the Market to Rule: The Case of the United States. Higher Education Quarterly, 57(2), 136-157.


Doherty, Robert A. (2007) Education, neoliberalism and the consumer citizen: after the golden age of egalitarian reform. Critical Studies in Education, 48(2), 269-288.


Olssen, Mark and Peters, Michael A. (2005) Neoliberalism, higher education and the knowledge economy: from the free market to knowledge capitalism. Journal of Education Policy,  20(3), 313-345.

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